“Rules and Regulations”

Objective: The Operating Procedure for the Pikes Peak GMRS Radio Club is established to govern club activities, communication practices, and ensure compliance with FCC regulations. This document outlines the standard operating procedures (SOPs) to be followed by club members for effective and responsible use of the GMRS Repeater System(s) owned and/or operated by Pikes Peak GMRS.

Who Can Use The Pikes Peak GMRS Repeater(s)/Simplex Channels:

  • Those that are GMRS licensed per FCC regulations §95.1705(c).
  • Those who are registered and verified on this website.
  • Members that agree to these “Operating Standards.”

Communication on the Repeater(s):

  1. Always yield transmissions to any emergency traffic.
  2. Be friendly to other radio users. Members may have different levels of radio experience. They range from newcomers to experts. If you can, help others out.
  3. Family, Friends, Other Clubs, and Kids may listen to the transmission from our repeater(s). You must keep your language polite and respectful.
  4. Profanity of any kind, along with indecent language, is prohibited.
  5. Ensure you give the repeater enough time to complete the transmit “tail-tone.” Failing to wait will cut off the first part of your transmission, especially when we are connected to the MyGMRS Network.
  6. Keep transmissions brief and to the point, allowing others the opportunity to communicate. Remember, when you key up and use the .650 repeater, you are also keying up over 20+ repeaters around the country and blocking any other station from using their repeater.
  7. Exercise caution when discussing personal or sensitive information over the airwaves.
  8. Avoid sharing private details that may compromise the security or safety of individuals.
  9. Do not mix Repeater and Simplex use. If you are using a repeater, you should only use the repeater to communicate with other members and not with other members on Simplex. If you want to use Simplex and are within range of each other, switch to one of the club’s Simplex channels.
  10. or have both stations operate on the repeater.
  11. Do NOT kerchunk the repeater! If you want to test to see if you are reaching the repeater or testing your radio, call out like this: “This is your callsign, radio test, radio test on 6-5-0″ or “This is your callsign, Radio testing to repeater 6-5-0.”
    • For example., This is WABC123 radio test, radio test on 6-5-0, or This is WABC123 radio testing to repeater 6-5-0. If someone is monitoring the channel and available, you will get a reply saying that someone heard you and how clear/good your signal was. Kerchunking the repeater makes us think that someone is trying to use the repeater, but something is wrong with the repeater or attached equipment.
  12. Do not discuss anything political. We are all here to have fun with radios and talk to others using said radio(s). But there are other options for communicating your political beliefs. This is not one of them!
  13. Each GMRS station must be identified by transmission of its FCC-assigned call sign at the end of transmissions and at periodic intervals during transmissions. A unit number may be included after the call sign in the identification.
    • (a) The GMRS station call sign must be transmitted:
      • (1) Following a single transmission or a series of transmissions; and,
      • (2) After 15 minutes and at least once every 15 minutes thereafter during a series of transmissions lasting more than 15 minutes.
    • (b) The call sign must be transmitted using voice in the English language or international Morse code telegraphy using an audible tone. (1)
  14. Using a fake or false callsign/unit number from another station is a violation. This will get you reported to the FCC and banned from using Pikes Peak GMRS repeater equipment/website.
  15. Communication over the Pikes Peak GMRS Repeater system(s) is for personal use only. Business use is strictly prohibited!’
  16. The following list of “Radio Lingo” is approved for use on the Pikes Peak GMRS Repeater System(s): Mobile, Handheld, Clear, Monitoring, Listening, Going Offline, Go Ahead, Negative, Over, Roger, Say Again, Stand By, Wait Out, Come In, Radio Check, Affirmative, and Say All Before/After.
  17. Using the Phonetic Alphabet is approved for use on the Pikes Peak GMRS Repeater System(s). If you need help, feel free to use this.

Emergency Communications:

  • Try to use a cell phone to call 911 before using a radio. If not possible, use the information below to get yourself the needed help.
  • “Emergency traffic” is a phrase used in radio communications to indicate a life-safety-related message.
  • Every station must give priority traffic to a station that has emergency communications.
  • The word “Break” should be used to convey an emergency.
  • Emergency traffic should only be used where a situation will cause or has caused harm to life or property.
  • E.g., Break, Break, Break, this is Wabc123 with emergency traffic.
  • State your emergency, location (if known), and any other information that may help you get the needed aid.
  • If you get no response back from another station, continue your transmission. There may be other stations that might not be able to transmit back but are monitoring.

Radio Equipment:

  • Make monthly radio checks to ensure your radio can transmit and receive clear communications to and from the repeater.
  • Inspect the condition of your antenna, coax cable, grounding lines, power supplies, and batteries (If installed).
  • Refer to the “Communication on the Repeater(s)” section to test your radio.
  • Disable any “Roger Beeps” that your radio(s) may have.


The RST system of signal reporting is an internationally recognized
method of reporting signal quality. The “R” stands for readability, the
“S” is for signal strength, and “T” is for tone in CW.


  1. Unreadable
  2. Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable
  3. Readable with considerable difficulty
  4. Readable with practically no difficulty
  5. Perfectly readable

Signal Strength

  1. Faint signal, barely perceptible
  2. Very weak signal
  3. Weak signal
  4. Fair signal
  5. Fairly good signal
  6. Good signal
  7. Moderately strong signal
  8. Strong signal
  9. Extremely strong signal

Tone (only on a morse code contact)

  1. Sixty cycle a.c. or less, very rough and broad
  2. Very rough a.c., very harsh and broad
  3. Rough a.c. tone, rectified but not filtered
  4. Rough note, some traces of filtering
  5. Filtered rectified a.c. but strongly rippled modulated
  6. Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulated
  7. Near pure tone, a trace of ripple modulation
  8. Near perfect tone, slight trace of modulation
  9. Perfect tone, no trace of ripple or modulation

If you give a signal report 5-by-9, you indicate that the signal is extremely strong. (2)

Net Control Procedures:

  • A Designated Net Control Station (NCS) will be established for club nets or organized events. The Chief Communications Officer will designate this.
  • The NCS coordinates communication, manages check-ins, and directs traffic flow.
  • All members participating in the net should follow the instructions provided by the NCS.


  • Refrain from discussing anything about the repeater configurations on/off the air.
  • Refrain from talking about what tones are used and what types of tones are used, or even mention anything about split tones! This helps to protect the equipment from non-members trying to abuse the equipment.
  • Refrain from causing interference to any other station that is using the Pikes Peak Repeater Systems.

What to do when there is a problem:

  • If you are experiencing a problem connecting to the repeater(s), check the settings on your radio(s) to ensure they are correct. If everything is right, contact us at re******@pi*******.org and explain what is happening.
  • If you have a problem with the website, please clear your cookies and refresh the page. If you still need help with the website, please contact us at we*****@te******.org and explain what is happening.


  • For the first violation, you will receive an email stating the violation and any corrective actions you need to take.
  • For the second offense, you will receive an email stating what the violation was and you will be temporarily banned for 30 calendar days from using any Pikes Peak GMRS Repeaters, website, and any social media that Pikes Peak GMRS Uses.
  • For the third offense, you will be permanently banned from using any Pikes Peak GMRS Repeaters, website, and any social media that Pikes Peak GMRS Uses.
  • If the first violation is severe enough, the Pikes Peak GMRS Administration reserves the right to ban and remove you from using any Pikes Peak GMRS Repeaters, website, or any social media that Pikes Peak GMRS Uses. Use of any of the above-mentioned after a ban will result in a severe monetary penalty assessed against you.
  • If you are found discussing the above-mentioned on or off the air, there will be severe monetary penalties!

Other Information:

  • Any communications over the repeater(s) can/will be recorded and cataloged for enforcement. The recordings may be sent to the FCC if a violation has occurred.
  • All repeaters operate under the owner’s callsign. Being that, the repeater owner has the final say! They may include other rules that may not be listed here. Check with the repeater owner or the Pikes Peak GMRS Administration if you are unsure or have questions before transmitting.
  • Members are expected to comply with all FCC regulations related to GMRS operation.
  • Stay informed about changes in regulations and adapt club practices accordingly.
  • By signing up on the Pikes Peak GMRS website and using any of the repeaters, you agree to these and any other future conditions set by the administration of Pikes Peak GMRS. Failure to agree to these terms means you are not allowed to use any Pikes Peak GMRS Repeater system(s).

(1) –
(2) –