New Year & New Changes

Hey Everyone,

We hope that your ๐ŸŽChristmas๐ŸŽ„ and ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ‚New Year’s Eve/Day๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‰ went well!

Quite a few things happened in 2023! So, let’s recap:
We finally got the .650 repeater back online. A massive Thank you to those who helped get that up and going!
We connected to and had our first connection & transmissions to the MyGMRS Network.
The website saw an upgrade to a new coloring scheme that was more in line with the club’s colors. We also moved to a new hosting provider. The move offered faster speeds and greater uptime.
And, we saw almost a 100% increase in membership registration vs the previous year!๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘

As the new year rang in, the administration decided that it was time to update the repeater information.
We have had too many people kerchunking the repeater, and this ended up causing problems with the MyGMRS equipment.
Because of the problems that it caused, we had to take the MyGMRS equipment down for repair. We hope to get it back up and running as soon as possible.

We have also gone through and finalized the new club’s “Rules and Regulations” to be known as the Pikes Peak GMRS “Operating Standards.”
This is something that every member will have to read and accept to gain access to any “Secured” pages.
We are still working on the finer details behind the scenes to get it set up for use.
It shouldn’t take too long to finalize, but we don’t have an estimate of when it will be functional as of writing.

We are also introducing “Simplex” channels and tones to the club.
These can be used when members are in closer range to each other and don’t want to tie up the repeater.
The information can be found on the Repeaters/Simplex page.
The same rules apply to the clubโ€™s Simplex channels and tones as they do to the repeater(s)!

We posted a few polls on our Facebook group. These polls asked whether or not we should have Weekly Nets, a Newbie Net, a Check-in Net, and how often we should be connected to the MyGMRS Network.
These are the results of the polls:

  • Weekly Nets: Yes
  • Newbie Net: Yes
  • Check-in Net: Yes
  • MyGMRS Network Connection Time: 2 Days a Week (Fridays-Saturdays)

With these polls ending up the way they did, we are more than happy to provide these nets and connection time.
That being said, we will need Net Controllers for the new Nets! If you would like to run a net, contact us at ad***@pi***********.org

We also added a “chat” to the website for verified members.
This will allow members to communicate with other members about secured club information.
With this chat, you are free to talk about the codes and help other members with their equipment.
This is the ONLY place where secured information is allowed to be talked about!
Feel free to check it out and see what it’s about.
The more popular the chat becomes, the more options we can add in the future.
You can get to the chat by going to the membership tab, and right under that is what is titled “Member’s Chat.” Clicking on the link will take you to the chat.
By introducing the chat onto the website, we believe that this is the beginning of bringing more members together in ways that would have been impossible before now.

The admin is also looking into creating our own social network here on the website.
This would allow members to post, like, chat, and bring other benefits, the same as any other social media network would bring.
There are members who don’t have/want Facebook or Twitter, and we believe their voices should be heard as much as any of the other members.
Stay tuned for updates!

We also want to give a HUGE shoutout to all of the members who donated to the club for the year 2023! ๐Ÿ‘
Because of you, we were able to complete projects that were waiting to come to life.
So, from all of us… Thank You very much!

Because PayPal changed the way donations are seen, we are actively looking into other options.
If you would like to donate in the meantime, get ahold of one of the admins, and we can work something out.

The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) was originally established in the 1940s by the FCC for individuals and entities that were not eligible for “land mobile” licenses. The service was originally named Class A Citizens Radio Service when it was rolled out in the 1960s. The current GMRS service was established in 1987.

We have big plans for 2024 and hope that you all enjoy what is to come.

Thank you for being a member, and let’s have another great year.
Your Pikes Peak GMRS Administration

By neosmith20

I am the President of the Pikes Peak GMRS radio club in Colorado Springs, CO. I am also own the .650 repeater as well. I am the website, facebook group admin., facebook page holder, as well as the main poster on our X page. I have a passion for Gaming ๐ŸŽฎ , Servers ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ , Two-way Radios ๐Ÿ“ป , and My Dog ๐Ÿ• If you have any questions, feel free to get ahold of me at: [email protected]