
Congratulations Radio club!

We hit our first milestone of 50 verified members. I am happy to see so many new people getting into GMRS and wanting to chat with others on the airwaves! I am also happy that so many people in our city have found us and decided that they wanted to be apart of the club. A quick hello to everyone that is out of the city or state and joined up as well! ?

It is because of everyone that has joined up that we were able to hit this first milestone!

I can’t wait to see that “100” number! ?

Here’s to the first 50 that believed in us ? ? You are rock stars!!!

I also want to send out a special “Thank You” to the people that have sent donations in to us thus far! It is because of your generosity that we were able to get the parts we needed, as well as, get one the repeaters fixed. It is because of you, we were able to get by when things got tough! ?

Thank you to Everyone!
Colorado Springs’ GMRS Radio Club Administration!

Categorized as Website

By neosmith20

I am the President of the Pikes Peak GMRS radio club in Colorado Springs, CO. I am also own the .650 repeater as well. I am the website, facebook group admin., facebook page holder, as well as the main poster on our X page. I have a passion for Gaming 🎮 , Servers 🖥️ , Two-way Radios 📻 , and My Dog 🐕 If you have any questions, feel free to get ahold of me at: [email protected]