
To use the repeater(s) and/or club-selected simplex channels w/tones, you must add the codes or “tones” to your radio(s). To get the codes, you need to register on this website using your chosen email address and password. Once registered, you must read over the “Operating Procedures” page and agree or disagree with it. If you agree, you must go to your profile and, under the “FCC FRN Number” area, add your FRN number. The FRN number is required and must be added by you! If you would like, you can add information to the “Biographical Info” area, but it is not required. When you are done adding your information, make sure you save it! Once all of the items have been completed, you will need to wait to be verified by our system. You will not receive an email when you are verified! Check back a couple of times a day to see if are verified. Once you are verified, you will then gain access to the secured pages.

If you just registered and are trying to access the “Colorado Springs 650” Repeater page or any other secured page, and it keeps sending you back to the login, “Operating Procedures,” or the “Secured Page” page, then you haven’t been verified yet! If your license is older than two weeks, please allow 1-2 days to be verified. If your license is less than two weeks old, it may take the FCC one week to update their public database and then another week for our system to pull that information. The FCC only publishes updates on Sundays.

You must add in your FCC FRN Number! We can not add it based on just your email or name alone. Plus, with as many members as we have and growing, we can not add everyone’s information. If you need your information, you can search for it here. If, after one week, your information has not been added, you will be removed from the website! The administration reserves the right to remove your account sooner if we suspect it is spam! If you attempt to use any of the repeaters after you have been removed from the website for any reason, your actions will be reported to the FCC, and civil action could be brought against you!

To sign up, follow this link: Member Registration.

The reasoning behind us wanting the information put into your profile is that it will allow us to discern between spammers and actual users. FCC Rules state that you must have a GMRS license to use any GMRS frequencies and any GMRS repeaters! To get your license, check out the “How To Get A GMRS License” page.

If someone were to gain our repeater codes and we had to reprogram the repeater due to misuse, this would cost us a minimum of $300 and put our repeaters offline for numerous days. The person(s) responsible for leaking the codes will be required to pay the amount we deem necessary to change the codes and update information where applicable! If there is a refusal to pay, civil action will be brought against that/those person(s)!

By registering, using this website, and using our repeater(s) and/or club-selected Simplex channels w/Tones, you agree to these and any other future conditions set by the administration of Pikes Peak GMRS.

If you have questions, problems, or concerns, feel free to email us at we*****@pi***********.org