JD’s 700 Repeater

JD’s repeater has not changed from the original setup. We still have to get his repeater re-programmed for the new network setup. So, make sure to keep his info in your radios for now, but be sure to add the new info in so you are ready for the transition.

Website/forum Update…

The website is 99% done, with only a few minor changes that will be made. So, feel free to join up and don’t forget to add your callsign to the About Yourself > Biographical Info area. If you need any assistance feel free to reach out to Alex on Facebook or email us @ re******@co****.org… Continue reading Website/forum Update…

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We are still working on setting up the website. Things may added, removed, and/or changed around. Thanks for stopping by. Check back often to see if the website has been finished.

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