700 Repeater Network

It is with a heavy and saddened heart that we, the club’s administration, are letting all of you, the club’s members, know that the “Repeater 700 Network” has been disbanded. On Tuesday April 12th the administration completed the writing up of the “Repeater Operational Standards” document for all equipment owners to review and sign. This… Continue reading 700 Repeater Network


Congratulations Radio club! We hit our first milestone of 50 verified members. I am happy to see so many new people getting into GMRS and wanting to chat with others on the airwaves! I am also happy that so many people in our city have found us and decided that they wanted to be apart… Continue reading Milestone

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Thank you to the two people that donated to the cause! Because of your generosity, we are now able to get the rest of the parts that we needed to get the true “East Repeater” completed! As soon as the parts come in, we will be able to get the “East Repeater” back on air… Continue reading Donators

Categorized as Donations

Traveler’s Repeater Controller

We’ve installed controller hardware on the “Colorado Springs’ Traveler’s Repeater” which will now give a 2 second end of transmission (EOT) delay, a courtesy beep, and provide station identification. As always… If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email us at anytime at: re******@co****.org

Traveler’s Repeater

We have setup a new repeater for GMRS users traveling through Colorado Springs on I-25. For more information check out the “Repeaters” page, or click “Here” to go directly to the page. As always… If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to email us at anytime at: re******@co****.org

Repeater 700 Network Update

Hello Everyone,Some Good and Some Bad News… Good newsWe finally have a repeater setup on the network and is now live! ?Check the Repeater 700 Network page for the information you need to program your radios.Huge thanks to “Shawn” for getting this up and running! Bad NewsI had planned to get my repeater up by… Continue reading Repeater 700 Network Update

700 Network Update

Well good/bad news for the South Repeater setup. JD got the shipment for his repeater setup today. However, both of his repeater radios were missing from the box and the box was damaged by the post office. They had it all taped up and in a bag when they delivered it to him. So, we’re… Continue reading 700 Network Update


We want to thank “Michael P. (WRMV759)” for helping us out with a donation. Because of you we are a little closer to getting the last of the equipment we need to finish the 700 Network. Thank you again! From all of us at, The Colorado Springs’ GMRS Radio Club Admin.

Categorized as Donations

Forum Update

Ok folks… The forum software we were using was messing up so bad that emails couldn’t be sent when they were needed. I have installed new forum software and have tested things out. All should be well now! ? Unfortunately, with this being a new piece of software you will need to re-register as there… Continue reading Forum Update

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