.650 Status

Hey everyone, I hope all is well!

I wanted to let you all know that the new repeater and the (“Big Boi” a.k.a. “Big Larry”) antenna has been installed!🥳

Thanks to the members “Jeff Odegard, David Hauck, Mike Dawson, and Sheldon Valere” who came out and helped me get it all installed!

Testing started on 10/1/23 and is going through 10/6/23.
Everything so far seems that it’s set to go live, for member use, on 10/7/23!

In the mean time, feel free to listen to the testing on the regular .650 channel (channel 19).

Also, check the .650 repeater page as the “Range Report” map has been added back and is being updated throughout the testing period. This should give you a good idea on how your radio(s) will function at certain locations.

Since it’s been awhile, make sure you refresh yourselves on the repeater rules! The rules are posted, first thing, on the .650 repeater page at the top!

Once things go live, for members, feel free to email me your range reports. The email, and information that is needed, is on the .650 repeater page. Also, I will update the page with the information you need to program your radio(s). So, make sure you check out that page on Saturday (10/7/23)!

We had a donation on April 30th from “Timothy Butcher!”
It is much appreciated and went towards the bills for the website.
Thank you very much for your donation!
If you would like to donate, it would be much appreciated and always go towards club functions!

Lastly, if you haven’t yet… Join our Facebook group or follow us on X (Twitter) @PikesPeakGMRS

Thank you to each and every member for sticking with us through all of this! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate all of you!!!

Thank you again,
Your Pikes Peak GMRS President – Alex & Administration

By neosmith20

I am the President of the Pikes Peak GMRS radio club in Colorado Springs, CO. I am also own the .650 repeater as well. I am the website, facebook group admin., facebook page holder, as well as the main poster on our X page. I have a passion for Gaming 🎮 , Servers 🖥️ , Two-way Radios 📻 , and My Dog 🐕 If you have any questions, feel free to get ahold of me at: [email protected]