600 Repeater is finally home, well… kind of

Hey everyone, we hope your 4th of July weekend went well! ?

We wanted to let you all know that the 600 Repeater, aka the Traveler’s Repeater, has now been moved and is temporarily setup at it’s new “home” location.

We just need to install the antenna we are going to be using for it and get a shelf. It’s connected, temporarily, to the antenna 650 was using.

We are waiting on two items to come in and as soon as those two items come in, we will complete the install. We will need to shut the repeater down for a couple of hours for the install! We are just not sure what day yet, due to weather forecasts and schedules. So far, with the temporary setup, we are seeing excellent results!

The 650 repeater is still down and we are waiting for the RMA, from the company, to come through. As soon as we get that, it will be getting sent back and hopefully we can make a plan of action from the options they provide.

Feel free to give the 600 repeater a test run, while we get the 650 back up and running, and let us know how it worked out for you!

As always… If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or anything else, feel free to email or call us. ?

By neosmith20

I am the President of the Pikes Peak GMRS radio club in Colorado Springs, CO. I am also own the .650 repeater as well. I am the website, facebook group admin., facebook page holder, as well as the main poster on our X page. I have a passion for Gaming 🎮 , Servers 🖥️ , Two-way Radios 📻 , and My Dog 🐕 If you have any questions, feel free to get ahold of me at: [email protected]